Wednesday 19 May 2010

Why I choose this carrer??

All my life i want study Veterinary...I love animals and always want to dedicate my life to them. Unfortunately, in the last year I couldn't study veterinary...for many reasons (that I don't want to explain now)...I studied Geology, a beautiful career actually, but isn't my pasion..I felt that this wasn't for me. In this moment I remember my really pasion...Veterinary and decided give the P.S.U. again and get the score that needed to get in to the most close state university of my hose...and this is the University of Chile, yet at the same time, keep my promess of stay all the year for maintain my scholarships. Sometimes...I tought that I don't get in this university: I really don't have time for dedicate 100% to study all the contents of P.S.U, because I have many things to do for the university, many to study...really I think that are too much. But no...I can with everything and manage to get in here...Whit this experience I grew a lot...and I can say that this are my really profession and that I love it.


  1. I love your comment in my blog!!!
    (L) or <3 xD from msn or face, you chose

  2. All my life i TENSE want study Veterinary...I love animals and always want to dedicate my life to them. Unfortunately, WW in the last year I couldn't study veterinary...for many reasons (that I don't want to explain now)...I studied Geology, a beautiful career actually, but isn't my SP pasion..I felt that this wasn't for me. In this moment I remember my WF really SP pasion...Veterinary and decided give the P.S.U. again and get the WO score that needed to get in to the most close state university of my Sp hose...and this is the University of Chile, yet at the same time, keep my promess of stay all the year for maintain my scholarships. Sometimes...I tought that I don't get in this university: I really don't have time for dedicate 100% to study all the contents of P.S.U, because I have many things to do for the university, WF many to study...really I think that are too much. But no...I can with everything and TENSE manage to get in here...SP Whit this experience I grew a lot...and I can say that this SVA are my really profession and that I love it.

    well done!! 'm glad to hear you managed to accomplish what you wanted...
    check the corrections
