Monday 7 June 2010

^^a really important web site^^

I want talk you about the official web site of "La Ley de la Selva". This is the page of one program of television that treats of teach how you can take care your pets and the importance about the responsible possession of animals.
In this website you can write if your pet needs a medical atention. Also you can report any case of animal mistreatment, of any situation of animal abandon...In this page you can contribute with the animal wellfare.
I think that this website is very important, because is very accesible for all the peolple (if you can't follow the website you can see the TV program), and tries to help the most animal possible, his owners and contribute with all the activist for this cause.
I , like a future vet, really enjoy of this website, 'cause I learn more about the animal and can take part in the programs of animal help.
I hope that you like that, if you want see the website, here is the link:


  1. Hi!!!
    I want ^ talk you about the official web site of "La Ley de la Selva". This is the page of one program of television that treats of WF teach how you can take care your pets and the importance about the responsible possession of animals.
    In this website you can write if your pet needs a medical atention. Also you can report any case of animal mistreatment, of any situation of animal WF abandon...In this page you can contribute with the animal wellfare.
    I think that this website is very important, because is very accesible for all the SP peolple (if you can't follow the website you can see the TV program), and tries to help the WO most animal possible, WW his owners and contribute with all the activist for this cause.
    I , like a future vet, really enjoy of this website, 'cause I learn more about the animal and can take part in the programs of animal help.
    I hope that you like that, if you want see the website, here is the link:

    honestly I haven't seen but I'll check it out!
    would you like to work there?

  2. mmmm
    good question jaja
    ....I never thought that, but
    can be a good oportunity for learn this moment I just prefer see the program =)
    Bye miss!!=)
