Tuesday 29 June 2010

My ideal job

Hi everyone! In this opportunity I have to speak about my ideal job…my ideal job? Wow! It’s a very complicate question. Actually…I don’t know what want do in the future and I don’t think about that.

However, in this semester, I can do many things in the university and see that in my career I can work in many different areas, like Animal Production, Protection of Exotic Animals, Researches, work in a Zoo, etc.

The work areas of a veterinary are many expensive…I don’t have clear what to do, but I know that never work in Animal Production, cause I don’t like that.

In this moment there are two areas that I could do: work with horses or protection of Exotic Animals. In this semester I work with horses in Hipoterapy. This experience is very nice, gratifying for me. I have participate in courses about “Amansa Natural” of horses and I can learn more of this. Horse is my favorite animal, is an area that really like me. However, Protection of Exotic Animals is an area that always likes me, because this animals are very interesting and his conservation is important in this moment.

How you can see, I don’t know in what job can work. I think that this answer will be clear in a couple of years more.

And this is all…for the moment I try to learn more in Hipoterapy and if I have the opportunity to develop in other area,I do that. =)


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